Monday 7 July 2008

I don't believe my toothache is turning into an abscess, & a painful one at that.
Give me the headache's back please?? I can manage ish when my head is banging, but I cant cope too well when it hurts to talk, (i know i could just stop talking!!), & you've got a temperature on one side of your face. & Sleeping is just out of the question, Like last night.....It couldn't of come at a worse time I tell ya! Today & tonight I was supposed to be doing the final draft of some Thank you cards for my brother's friend who had a baby recently, & last night when I told my brother I would of done the final draft by tonight when he comes home from work in a lil' while so he can let me know if I should make the cards, or what....& I haven't done anything, LOL I have been customizing my blog :p & adding to my blog, clearing a shed load of emails I just been landed with, but I ain't done these cards :(
But hopefully he will understand, he recently suffered a abscess so knows my pain. I hope!!
I should go & stop ranting on, sorry, but it hurts.
& might I add it hurts that my B****y best friend who is still in prison hasn't rang since forever, he was supposed to of been released on 27th June, but the prison B*****d Up with his release dates twice, the admitted they got it wrong, apologised & told my friend he would be coming home on the 27th then told him nope they got it wrong again & would be a couple/few more months before he was released!!
Talk about incompetent, & I didn't think you could get much worse than the Dole & the Tax office (here near where I live, not everywhere just here), but they sure are a close second!!!
Sorry again, but I miss my best mate, & was really looking forward to him coming home, only for it to not happen, honestly sending him down was bad enough, then he came home for the weekend at the end of May, then he was due for release end of June, Now I don't know when he'll be coming home!
Sorry for the BEEPED words could of been a lot worse, but if people would just stop hurting me with all this rubbish I wouldn't need to BEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! LOLOL
Hugz CrazyCatLaydee

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