Sunday 20 July 2008

An apology!

Hi everyone!
Sorry I have not been on since Thursday, I have been busy, with life things. spent the entire day yesterday doing something, only for that something to be wrong!!
Oh well!!!
But I have decided while things are hectic at the moment, to just do my freebies from Monday to Thursday, as on Friday's well every 2 weeks I have to sign on at 3:20pm so that messes with my day for a Friday! & when I'm not signing normally I'm frantically running around trying to get the cleaning done!!!
So I decided to take from Friday's to Mondays off, & give ya freebies during the week!! how does that sound?? Okay I hope :)
They say bad things happen in 3's, well I hope this is the end of my illnesses etc now, abscess first, bad bad period pains next then over the weekend, I have a cyst in my ear that decided to give me jip but hopefully everything is gone now, & I wont be ill again for awhile!!!
Again I can hope can't I?!
Well I'll be back tomorrow with a freebie for ya!!!
Till then enjoy your Sunday!!!
Hugz Crazycatlaydee

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